JAR OF HEARTS........♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prayer Power

"Pray continually" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Over the past few years, my spiritual life has changed dramatically. I've witnessed the LORD move in amazing ways, and have felt His hand guide me like never before. What's the big secret? Why the big change? Simple: prayer. There is unexplainable power in prayer.

No, prayer isn't new to me. I've prayed ever since I was a child. But even though I love God, I often struggled to remain focused during my quiet time … or to even carve out a daily quiet time, for that matter. My creative mind has a strong tendency to wander. So a few years back, I began keeping a prayer journal and my faith has really grown as a result.

My journal isn't fancy or expensive, just a notebook that can be picked up anywhere, but it has been a power tool for God's movement in and through my life. By keeping my heart focused in prayer, my journal has fanned the flame of my prayers, and has fueled the fire in my soul to connect with our active and living God who longs to be the center of our attention.

It's not rocket science and there aren't any special tricks. A prayer journal can be an effective tool for spiritual growth, but the power is in the praying. How do I put my power tool to work? I start off by writing the date. I then jot down who I want to pray for and what I want to pray about. I also love to write out Scripture passages that have spoken to my heart. Then I go to my Father- focused and fearless. God is the source of all power, and prayer is essential to experiencing His power in our lives.

Martin Luther said, "As it is the business of tailors to make clothes, and of cobblers to mend shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray." Prayer moves the hand of God, yet, statistically; most Christians spend less than 5 minutes a day in prayer. That's just crazy! Why would we expect God to show His power in our lives if we don't give Him more time than we spend brushing our teeth each day?

Are you experiencing the power of God in your life? Would you like more strength, peace and direction in your days? God wants you to come to Him in prayer: when you are hurting, when you are angry, when you need direction, when you need answers, when you need hope, when you need healing. He wants you to come to Him for forgiveness, courage, strength, confidence, and perspective. Come with praise, adoration, humility, honor, and worship.

So - grab a journal and focus your heart and thoughts on God . The main thing is to get alone with God. He just wants you to come.